Board of Directors

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最新麻豆视频 Limited is a Company Limited by Guarantee, overseen by a Board of Directors. The Board is responsible for the governance of the School and thereby are the custodians of our Anglican heritage and mission. This requires them to have a vision for the School and ensure progress is made towards this vision. The Board undertake their role primarily by employing, supporting and supervising the Principal.

The following committees support the Board of Directors in their responsibilities:

  • Finance and Audit Committee
  • Governance Risk and Compliance Committee
  • Major Projects Committee

The Board meets eight times per year and the Committees meet four times per year.

Mr. Costa Zakis

Ad Altiora Ship :: 最新麻豆视频, Sydney
Board Chair

Chair of Governance, Risk and Compliance Committee

Dr. John Goddard

Ad Altiora Ship :: 最新麻豆视频, Sydney
Deputy Chair

Chair of Major Projects Committee

Mrs. Christine Olliffe

Ad Altiora Ship :: 最新麻豆视频, Sydney
Board Director

Mr. Phillip Cunningham

Ad Altiora Ship :: 最新麻豆视频, Sydney
Board Director

Mr. Andrew Laurie

Ad Altiora Ship :: 最新麻豆视频, Sydney
Board Director

Dr. Ruth French

Ad Altiora Ship :: 最新麻豆视频, Sydney
Board Director

Mr. Rhod Grivas

Ad Altiora Ship :: 最新麻豆视频, Sydney
Board Director

Chair of Finance and Audit Committee

Mr. Colin Fragar

Ad Altiora Ship :: 最新麻豆视频, Sydney
Board Director

Mr. Ben Davis

Ad Altiora Ship :: 最新麻豆视频, Sydney
Board Director